Monday, November 30, 2015

Donate chickens and bees AND ART?

Well this is just the coolest thing! You may or may not have heard of Heifer International. This organization doesn't just give a handout to the hungry in other countries. Nope...they do one better. They give something tangible...something that will give back!  (What a concept!) Rather than giving milk, they give a cow. Rather than just handing out food, they give chickens and bees and goats and pigs and rabbits and on and on this goes.  This isn't just about feeding the hungry's about helping families help themselves. states, "The goal of every Heifer project is to help families achieve self-reliance. We do this by providing them the tools they need to sustain themselves, and it's thanks to the generosity of donors like you."

I LOVE this concept!!!! 

Sign me up! So I just donated two flocks of chickens, some bees and also towards a special art project geared toward empowering women.  SO COOL!!

If this is something that strikes a chord with you too, check it out.

For as little as $20 you too can send chickens or many other such cool animals.

Wonder if this is something we will ever see here in America?
I hope so.

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