There’s been an alluring phenomenon happening to me each morning when I wake up. A word or phrase “drops in to my raft as I float down the river of life”. Each word or phrase is so intriguing that it calls for discovery...which has become the focus of my a way to unscramble the deeper meaning that each of these hold.
Today’s phrase is “let it be good.”
This phrase is influenced by a number of factors.
One...Mel Robbins new book titled “Let Them Theory.” Mel’s book is a step-by-step guide on how to stop letting other people's opinions, drama, and judgment impact your life. A kind of “allowing” if you will.
Two...a topic that’s been in my “discovery orbit” for quite a long time is the concept of “glory in suffering.” This concept is all about our human tendencies to play small and how we often lean towards telling the bad news first-and-foremost to others. As if the bad news (illness, tragedy, struggle, financial woes, relationship woes, etc) is more worthy of adoration or attention. Somehow in this belief we gain “power” from our “non-successes”. Is like a fool’s gold. And this belief has very troubling significance. (A writing for another day.)
So then, the phrase “let it be good” is a combination of these two things.
Let good for once. Speak from how good a thing actually is...versus the negative connotation of a thing. Something here that may or may not be obvious within this context is...I (along with many others) are still sorting through the emotional aftermath that hurricane Helene left in her wake.
We were in the clutches of disaster recovery and relief here in WNC for days and days and weeks and weeks and there is still fragility in the air. And things have settled into the new normal...a mental and emotional and nervous system awareness shift is taking that the feeling that things are good again is present once more.
There was a sense here back in the end of September through mid-December of 2024 (much like during the COVID years) that there was absolutely no sense or sign of when the arrival of good news would actually prevail. Each and every day it was story after story of wreck and destruction and challenge after challenge just to maintain some level of survivability. It was like there would be no end in sight because the devastation was so far reaching...and you had no choice but to give in to the despair of it all.
But now...there’s good in the air again. Life isn’t just about survival...things have shifted into a space where you can do things again that bring a smile to your face and heart. Like hiking, or walking your dog, or visiting with a friend.
“Letting it be good” is calling out and asking me to create a daily practice around it. A moment by moment decision to look for the good and celebrate every moment of this goodness.
We can certainly choose to give our attention and energy to the truly awful things that are unfolding on a daily basis (you know what I’m talking about here and it smells like just another version of COVID or Helene fear, doubt and despair) or, OR we can cultivate a peacefulness in our minds and hearts from the knowing that the awful and horrible has all happened before...and we’re still here. We are STILL here!
We all know the push and pull of darkness to light. Light always prevails. Because the light is inside everyone of us.
So today’s phrase “let it be good” is certainly about a shift of mindset.
We shall see where it might lead.
Onward and Upward!
Photo Credit: Image by Sven Lachmann from Pixabay