Monday, January 27, 2025

01/27/25 1200: Let it be Good.


There’s been an alluring phenomenon happening to me each morning when I wake up. A word or phrase “drops in to my raft as I float down the river of life”. Each word or phrase is so intriguing that it calls for discovery...which has become the focus of my a way to unscramble the deeper meaning that each of these hold.

Today’s phrase is “let it be good.”

This phrase is influenced by a number of factors.

One...Mel Robbins new book titled “Let Them Theory.” Mel’s book is a step-by-step guide on how to stop letting other people's opinions, drama, and judgment impact your life. A kind of “allowing” if you will.

Two...a topic that’s been in my “discovery orbit” for quite a long time is the concept of “glory in suffering.” This concept is all about our human tendencies to play small and how we often lean towards telling the bad news first-and-foremost to others. As if the bad news (illness, tragedy, struggle, financial woes, relationship woes, etc) is more worthy of adoration or attention. Somehow in this belief we gain “power” from our “non-successes”. Is like a fool’s gold. And this belief has very troubling significance. (A writing for another day.)

So then, the phrase “let it be good” is a combination of these two things.

Let good for once. Speak from how good a thing actually is...versus the negative connotation of a thing. Something here that may or may not be obvious within this context is...I (along with many others) are still sorting through the emotional aftermath that hurricane Helene left in her wake.

We were in the clutches of disaster recovery and relief here in WNC for days and days and weeks and weeks and there is still fragility in the air. And things have settled into the new normal...a mental and emotional and nervous system awareness shift is taking that the feeling that things are good again is present once more.

There was a sense here back in the end of September through mid-December of 2024 (much like during the COVID years) that there was absolutely no sense or sign of when the arrival of good news would actually prevail. Each and every day it was story after story of wreck and destruction and challenge after challenge just to maintain some level of survivability. It was like there would be no end in sight because the devastation was so far reaching...and you had no choice but to give in to the despair of it all.

But now...there’s good in the air again. Life isn’t just about survival...things have shifted into a space where you can do things again that bring a smile to your face and heart. Like hiking, or walking your dog, or visiting with a friend.

“Letting it be good” is calling out and asking me to create a daily practice around it. A moment by moment decision to look for the good and celebrate every moment of this goodness.

We can certainly choose to give our attention and energy to the truly awful things that are unfolding on a daily basis (you know what I’m talking about here and it smells like just another version of COVID or Helene fear, doubt and despair) or, OR we can cultivate a peacefulness in our minds and hearts from the knowing that the awful and horrible has all happened before...and we’re still here. We are STILL here!

We all know the push and pull of darkness to light. Light always prevails. Because the light is inside everyone of us.

So today’s phrase “let it be good” is certainly about a shift of mindset.
We shall see where it might lead.

Onward and Upward!

Photo Credit: Image by Sven Lachmann from Pixabay




Wednesday, January 22, 2025

01/22/25 1130: Creating versus Consuming.


I’ve been studying the Law of Attraction for many years. And the study of this led me to discovering the 12 Universal Laws of the Universe.  

Here’s a quick list in case you haven’t come across these Universal Laws before:
1. The Law of Divine Oneness
2. The Law of Vibration
3. The Law of Correspondence
4. The Law of Attraction
5. The Law of Inspired Action
6. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
7. The Law of Cause and Effect
8. The Law of Compensation
9. The Law of Relativity
10. The Law of Polarity
11. The Law of Rhythm
12. The Law of Gender

So upon discovery of these Universal Laws and after reading through each one of them, (click here if you’d like to know more about each of these Universal Laws...a word of caution...reading these will change you) I quickly realized this was a worthy “master’s level class” to delve into. I decided I would go through each one of these and study them until I understood how each of these laws worked. Yes, yes...I know...I realize this was an act of choosing to step towards the library hall of some of the greatest scrolls of elderly it my adventurous spirit’s hunger to understand and expand.  Meanwhile...

I got through the Law of Divine Oneness pretty quick...fairly easy concept to wrap my mind and heart around. A splash more difficult to apply this knowing in day-to-day life though. Humbling to really understand we are all linked together as one through the divine...not just human to human but every living thing. It became much less easy for me to judge others from this knowing because now I have the knowledge that I am you and you are me. Woops, there went my high horse. Just ran plum off and left me standing there...humbled.

Moving on to the Law of Vibration...well, I’ve been studying this now for about 2 ½ years now. This Law is so deeply layered...gonna take me a minute to reach understanding with this one.’s the thing I wanted to talk about today. Bare with me as I walk us towards this.

If you’ve studied Eckhart Tolle’s work or Greg Braden or Ram Dass or many of the others’ working towards uncovering some of the greatest “secrets” of humaning on earth...(and how exactly do we step out of the unconscious rat race and into living from a higher level of consciousnesses...remember red pill / blue pill in the Matrix?) you’ll be familiar with the concept that everything here on Earth is of vibration….is of frequency.

So what this then means is...I resonate at a particular frequency...a vibration. Yet I can raise or lower my vibration. For example, if I gaze at the beauty of a morning sunrise...I am essentially raising my vibration so long as I am present...and focusing on the beauty and resonating with the feeling from within watching this beautiful display of nature.  Alternatively, I can lower my vibration by eating certain foods, watching a violent scene in a movie, consuming music with a heavy dark get the point here (and you can probably feel your vibration swing between these descriptive feelings even as you read them).

Here’s the thing...all of this led me to the idea that...I am in complete control of my vibration based upon what I choose to consume.  Which then raises an interesting question.  Why would I choose to consume things that are guaranteed to lower my vibration? Why would I choose to consume things that actively keep me in the dumps if you will? Well, now...isn’t this an interesting question?

Enter...awareness. Once you cannot un-know.

Now that this information has come into my awareness….I pay a lot more attention to my choices and questioning why I might be choosing them.  Doesn’t mean I’m choosing much differently as of yet...but I’m in the “observe my own behavior” phase of this. There’s the “observe it while it’s happening phase.” Then the “see it coming...observe it before it happens phase.” Then the “change it before it happens because you saw it coming long before it arrived phase.”

Another form of energy and vibration entirely is Creation or Creating. I’m still pondering on the possibility that Creation may be the duality partner of Consumption. (Happy to hear your thoughts on this possibility...please post your comments on whether your life experiences reveal that creation might be the yin to consumptions yang).

When something is does put itself out there to be consumed in many ways. Movie productions, music, art, books, even clothing or furniture, homes built, why even nature itself is consumed in many ways.  So I don’t want to suggest here that either/or is right or wrong. I am more interested here in the fact that we have choice...and what drives our choices from one given moment to the next. This is all so fascinating!

As you may know, I started painting again. And let me just say...the feeling of “being in the zone”...which is setting yourself aside and simply creating something literally out of nothing (paint on a blank canvas)...the feeling that comes from this is how I imagine a drug would feel. You cannot...create something from within “the zone” and not come out on the other side feeling anything other than euphoria...a very clear energetic high. (This is the feeling that a higher vibration brings into our orbit.)

But creating requires something from me.  Consumption does not.

Creation requires me to actively choose to “set the stage”, bring myself into an ever focused awareness on the present, listen to the divine, put myself over there on the side (be the zero) and just follow my instincts...which is kind of an attunement of sorts with the divine.  Tuning in.  And tuning in requires something from me. Tuning out does not.  Consumption...where we just sit and drink and eat at the table of whatever frivel or tivel comes our way.

Consumption can be a way to “attempt to” fill the void we may be struggling with feeling inside ourselves. Creation is a way to tune into a sense of knowing of who we are.

You might be wondering if only artists create? Creation can be in the form of many things like cooking a favorite dish, decorating for a community gathering in a communal space or at your home, writing music or a poem or a story, singing your favorite song, dancing to your favorite beat, sewing, fixing a car, building a house, baking a cake, producing a video, and on and on and on this goes.

So this brings me to my final point here which is a question that came to me a few weeks ago while sorting through these ideas and working towards understanding them.

What is happening within me...when I reach towards “feeding on” a particular energy? Whether I choose to create something (essentially filling myself with a sense of the divine) or whether I scroll through Facebook for two hours (essentially filling myself with a plethora of various energies...political views, vocalized complaints, inspirational quotes, deeply felt needs, comedy, and on and on) or whether I put on a playlist (essentially filling myself with a array of energies created by the frequency of sound).

And from within this “feeding” am I recognizing that I am in complete control of my own vibrational outcome? Well might see the implications here.  I am responsible for how I feel in each and every moment...and what I do with that feeling is completely up to me. 

This I can control.

Photo Credit: Image by Sergio Cerrato - Italia from Pixabay



Saturday, January 11, 2025

1/11/25 1530: And the 2024 word of the year is…….?


I’m not totally sure why the American Dialect Society word-of-the-year has captured my attention...but it has. Yesterday, while the Texas Longhorns versus the Ohio State Buckeye’s football game was readying for kickoff...ADS members in attendance of the annual conference held in Philadelphia met to vote on the word of the year. (Clearly my interests have shifted because I could really care less about watching the Cotton Bowl...but I DID care about what word would be chosen in honor of the “linguistical milestones” of 2024.)


According to a press release (which you can read in its entirety by clicking here), “The American Dialect Society, in its 35th annual words-of-the-year vote, selected rawdog as the Word of the Year for 2024. More than three hundred attendees took part in the deliberations and voting, in an event hosted in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America’s annual meeting.”

For clarity...the definition given for “rawdog” is as follows: to undertake without usual protection, preparation, or comfort (extension of earlier meaning ‘to have sex without a condom’).

To further clarify... and also according to the above press release, “Dr. Kelly Elizabeth Wright of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, data czar of the New Words Committee. ‘Rawdog has recently and rapidly burst its sexual bounds to refer to engagement in any activity without the typical preparation or in stone-cold sobriety.’ Dr. Wright said. ‘In 2024 folks rawdogged flights, family dinners, and final
exams. As one nominator commented this evening, rawdog is a great choice for Word of the
Year as we collectively rawdog the future of American politics in 2025.’”

New words. 

What an absolutely refreshing and whimsical idea! Creating words either from other words and switching up their meanings (thank you Gen Z) or creating new words entirely from scratch (thank you Dr. Seuss)

So to take this to any even more fun level, I began to ponder in what ways in 2024 did I rawdog something? Well, I did in fact rawdog some flights from Detroit to Asheville in I am familiar with this. Where instead of filling the flight time with technology distractions like music or movies...I practiced presence. Observing the clouds and land moving beneath the airborne plane, observing passengers around me, observing the flight attendants move about doing their duties, basically taking in each and every moment as it unfolded.

Taking this definition into 2024, well I’d have to say...this entire year is chocked FULL of rawdogging experiences. I rawdogged moving to North Carolina, the resulting mental-remapping required from everything being new again, totally rawdogged whitewater river guiding on the Green, rawdogged the path to becoming a speaker at TedxBrevard 1.0 (which is now TedxBrevard 2.0 re-scheduled for May 3rd, 2025) totally rawdogged the arrival and aftermath of Hurricane Helene here in WNC and on and on and on.

All this said...I give a big thumbs-up to the ADS members who voted for the 2024 word-of-the-year, rawdog.  Gonna be fun to mindfully apply this term to adventures yet to come. And then of course, there will be the evolution of new words and we march through 2025. Can’t wait to see what the 2025 word-of-the-year will be!

Onward and upward!

You can read what other words were nominated for this year’s vote by clicking here ...and trust me when I say, this list is a fun read.  In fact, perusing the list of words selected from previous years is also a delightful read.  (I’m not really a self-professed street smart kinda person...but reading these words is a window into a span of time where linguistics are bent to match a chain of events.)

Photo Credit: me rawdogging a flight



Wednesday, January 1, 2025

1/1/25 1300: Rest in Peace year Four, Dad.

Today marks the fourth anniversary of Dad’s passing. Each year that passes it gets a little less complicated to walk through the energy around this time of the year. 

The passing of a parent isn’t for the faint of some of you already know. (There’s a kind of club that you join unknowingly when you lose a father or a mother). 

I learned so so many things throughout this journey. One of which is that upon the passing of someone who holds very specific memories that only the two of you share...means...that you can no longer relive these special memories by talking with them about it.  Essentially, their version of these special moments die with them. And trust me...Dad had a LOT of special versions of a lifetime of living memories that he and I shared.

Of course, Dad was human. He had his share of failures and fuck ups and faults. But he taught me a lot of things in his time here on earth. Some good...some not so good. 

He wasn’t the most gracious of men when I came out to him and Mom. It was where a very rough road began between he and I. But in the forced me to look for the path to compassion for him. After all...if I wanted him to love me unconditionally...then I needed to love him without condition as well. It took me many years to figure out what this even meant.

I admired Dad on many levels. His persistence, his problem-solving skills, his relentless and quirky humor, his warrior spirit in taking on a challenge.

It was hard to watch him deteriorate in his final years as his battle with Parkinson's began to wear him down...mentally and physically.  When having a conversation with him there were glimpses of the man I knew versus his medicated mind that often spoke of hallucinated scenes. The best part of this was that I knew then that I would once again be able to have many conversations with him and discuss some of the deepest of topics after he passed. And this is true. I speak to him almost daily now.

All of this said...I want to tell you a story. An unbelievable true story about one of the many tall tales that “happened to Dad.” It’s a testament to his internal code of being fair and also being an advocate for one of his most favorite stores—Big Lots.

Dad loved to shop at Big Lots! (Especially the electronics aisle.)  Back when there used to be a Big Lots in Wauseon, Ohio...Dad went there to make a return for something he purchased one day. Everything went per usual until the next morning he called the bank to check on recent debits and credits (this of course was back when to get information on your banking you had to call the bank and listen to an automated recording for each of your transactions)’s what he heard.

“Credit in the amount of….two hundred thirty-five thousand, four hundred and forty eight dollars.”
What in the sam hill?? read that correctly! That’s $235,448.00 deposited into his account!  Unbelievable.

Big Lots of Wauseon had mistakenly credited him two hundred thirty-five thousand...four hundred and forty eight dollars into his account!! He recorded an audio to prove to people that this actually happened...and then took great joy in playing it for anyone and everyone that would listen. Maybe it could be said that dad had something to do with Big Lots of Wauseon closing...but regardless...he contacted them right away to ensure they got it all straightened out and they got their money back. He was always honest if things like this happened...which for some reason goofy things like this happened to Dad. And he was always an advocate for Big Lots!!!

Crazy stuff like this happened to Dad. I swear there was never a dull moment with him.
Thank you for teaching me so much...and for continuing to teaching me...even now!

Miss you Dad.  
Rest in peace.

Photo #1: My sister and Dad.
Photo #2: Me and Dad
Photo #3: Dad fixing one of those epic nylon banded folding chair with me as the trusty assistant. I'm certain we were discussing the science of fixing folding chairs.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

12/29/24 1430: Creek crossings. Presence required.

Adventure...which I will define as an activity that challenges your mind and your body in such a way that you have to show up and give that moment your full attention...which talking, among other things.
While living away from the mountains, I actually forgot...what it’s like to immerse oneself in surroundings that are rugged and wild.  Where the outcome of your traversing through this might be questionable...depending upon the choices you make. I also forgot that given the unpredictability that exists within this realm, a human being...make surprisingly good choices (although sometimes there’s mistakes made) because you know your own body’s capabilities and generally err on the side of your physical best interests.
There’s a knowledge and a knowing that’s been re-activated within me about navigating nature’s terrain here in the Blue Ridge Mountains. And creek crossings are definitely one place that causes either new learning or a re-awakening of how to read one’s surroundings and navigate natural elements.

I met up with a fellow river guide yesterday (Meet Jay) and we chose to challenge ourselves with a land adventure by hiking to Little Bradley Falls. 

He and I had a lot to catch up on so we talked and talked and talked about much of the events that have unfolded in our lives (before and after Helene) while we hiked. Jay reminded me that he was on that last Green River Adventure whitewater kayaking trip back on September 20th that I wrote about. We reminisced about how tumultuous that trip was...quite a few things that day went “off script”...but what we talked about mostly was how much it didn’t seem to bother us as much as it did earlier in the season. We had learned (while resisting of course) how to let go of our need for these trips to go how WE wanted them to go and just let them unfold and manage circumstances as best we could in the moment.

Here come the creek crossings. There are three creek crossings enroute to Little Bradley Falls and each one naturally provides its own challenges.  We arrived at the first pretty gung-ho and ready to face wet feet if need be. We found a route that required some rock-hopping (which if you’ve been around rivers and creeks you know that rocks often are slippery...we were ready...and turns out...neither of us slipped and fell into the creek) and made it across...dry footed. Yeah!

When we arrived at the second creek crossing, a short while later, it was evident that wet feet might be the thing here. Until Jay spied a way across where someone before us has laid two logs (more like branches because these were only about 5 inches in diameter) side-by-side and about 8 feet long across a section where there were no rocks to cross.  So we rock hopped half-way across and then one behind the other, Charlie Chaplin style, walked across these logs. Now...something of note...logs of this diameter tend to flex….which both of these did. So as you put one foot down on one flexed causing it to drop lower than your other foot that was planted on the other log right next to it. But if you went slow enough....and maintained razer-sharp focus in each step after the other….POOF, you made it across without any sort of flailing of arms or landing on your butt in the creek.

My whole point in telling this story is what happened on the returning creek crossing here at this same spot. We quickly discovered that talking while attempting this feat caused epic failure! Complete attention to the if you had to link your mind to your feet and your arms and your attention to detail was what this moment required of us both. (Which is one of the MANY reasons I love adventures like these! 100% presence is required. No talking, no thinking about tomorrow, none of that. Just total attention to detail and focus.) Funny thing...since we’d already made it across this spot on the way TO the falls...I think there was a sort of “oh yeah...I can do this” letting down of our guard sorta thing that happened on the way back.) I’m happy to report neither of us fell into the creek on this second attempt...but there was flaying of arms and some pretty hilarious gestures and yes, wet feet after this...and of course a lot of laughter.

Jay and I both agreed after discussing our whitewater kayaking escapades while guiding for Green River Adventures and also our creek crossing adventures here on this trail this day...that Nature is the greatest classroom!

Thank you Jay for suggesting we go hiking this particular balmy day. Fun was had by all!

Get outside as often as possible. Challenge yourself to try new things. And be kind to yourself if you fall down, get wet,’s all part of the adventure!

Go, Be, Do!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

12/10/24 12:00: The Unraveling of a Leaf.

I had just finished doing some work clearing brush from an embankment on some very wild and rustic mountain property and paused for a few moments to bathe in the surrounding silence. While working I had noticed that I could hear traffic noises from I-26 (very deep and low truck sounds), which was a little surprising because I was quite a few miles from the highway. (Sound travels and bounces around in odd ways in the mountains.) But from this...I began to isolate each sound I airplane overhead, the distant silence among the trees,  the trickling sounds from the creek below, down to the point that I heard a single leaf rustle across the bank in front of me. From this...I decided to intently listen and bask in these quiet stirrings. (Mostly because you never know what you might hear whispered on the adventure in and of itself.)

I leaned up again a very large rock that was on the bank overlooking a lovely rippling creek and was suddenly captivated by this tiny leaf skeleton laying there right in front of me. I immediately wondered just how long this leaf had been laying there in order to turn into this shell of itself? I didn’t dare touch it because I instinctively knew it would disintegrate right before my eyes.

The intricacies and delicateness of each and every vein, now fully visible and in great detail was breathtaking! Now paired down to the very bones of the leaf. How long did this unraveling take?
Time didn’t seem to matter here. The details were what mattered.

There was a familiarity to me with this intricate and yet very complex pairing down from what used to be this what this leaf was now. Bare bones.

It is very clear to me that many of us are smack in the middle of a “pairing down” phase in our lives. The sorting and clearing and de-cluttering, some things even have been ripped out from under us seemingly without our having any real choice in the matter. To sit within the feeling of what we used to feel how it feels very different...yet also from deep within it all...there is a “freeing” feeling. Maybe some of the heaviness is gone...maybe things feel a bit lighter.
With the things we are able to sort through...each and every decision is based upon…“Do I really need this anymore? Does it hold the same purpose it once did?”

From within what I’m describing might be able to tell (much like the leaf) that sometimes we find ourselves stuck on a rock with no choice but to change into the next version of ourselves. Like a leveling up.

Remember those old video games where you moved from left to right as you progressed through the game? Each level has a progression of difficulty and challenge that came with it. And if you had to start over, back at the very beginning of that level again. And always...ALWAYS near the end of each level was a very difficult challenge. And when you finally beat that level there was a brief moment of victory before you started the next level. But...because you learned and grew and expanded your ability to navigate the challenges in that level...the start of the next level was a smidge easier only because you’d made it through that last big intense challenge at the end of the last one.

Human crisis and challenge is where we learn the most about humaning. When the stress levels are high...when we are exhausted...when we falter at the face of another decision to be made...but as always...the intensity passes...we get through it...and then comes the sorting after. The flicking off of details that are no longer necessary for us to continue to carry on our journey.

We’re left with the bare bones. And there’s beauty there. So much beauty.

Photo Credit: me in the wild mountain rustic air standing next to a rock by the creek



Thursday, December 5, 2024

12/05/24 1000: Silence.


A strange phenomenon emerged from my spending hours each day this past Summer, guiding whitewater kayaking trips down the Upper Green River nestled in the wild and rugged Green River Gorge. And it lingers still.

I call it silence...the silence found within Nature. But I suppose this word isn’t really the essence of it. Stillness, comes a little closer to describe. And then as I’ve talked about this to others what also comes to mind is the lack of sound in human-made sound.  Such as cars or trucks passing, people talking, thuds or bumps or booms, airplanes flying over get the idea.

I used to explain this to guests on the van ride down to the Upper Green River put-in. I’d say to them, “You’re about to experience a phenomenon in the wild where you’ll hear nature’s silence. And you’ll know exactly when this occurs because you’ll hear a strange sound ahead of us when we reach a certain point on the river. A thump, thump thump.  This is when you’ll know you’ve just experienced Nature’s silence, because it will be broken by a human-made noise.”

This noise was created by the sound of semi-trucks and automobiles crossing the Peter Guice Memorial Bridge (connecting both sides of I-26 over the Green River Gorge) which we paddled directly under. The silence to noise ratio was unmistakable here in this very spot.

After just a few weeks of being immersed daily in natural surroundings where non-human sound exists, loud noises became increasingly aggravating to me. I began to drive in music or radio. Loud mufflered pick-up trucks that passed where I was became like fingernails on a chalk board. Any loud sounds were disturbing.

I’m reminded of similar phenomenon that played out with Appalachian Trail through hikers. Where re-adjusting back into civil life was incredibly complicated and difficult. After having spent months in the wilderness walking amongst the stillness...imagine how unsettling just the sound of downtown city traffic would be, let alone a train engine horn, or a blaring radio.

The beauty of this...well, turns out it’s become just another thing I’m sorting out. What sounds do I now willfully expose myself too? I find that I turn off sound more than I turn it on and when I listen to music, instrumental music like Native American Flute is mostly what’s on my playlist.

There’s a kind of listening ability that’s unlocked from within this knowing of silence. (Which being immersed in Nature’s silence clearly unlocked for me). And I recognize the slightest interruptions within the continuity of combined sounds and silence like never before.

Being bombarded with sound also means being bombarded by vibration...because all sound carries with it a vibration.  Is it any wonder that when you experience next to zero cluttered and disorderly vibrational sounds and when you do experience it again that it’s revolting?

Yet again...Nature teaches me some of the most fantastical things. She is a living, breathing, loving, classroom...radiating with wonder!

Photo Credit: pixabay (dot) com