Sunday, September 8, 2024



Working in the outdoors I've had the pleasure of being witness to change each and every day. How the light hits the river water in the morning, the sounds of insects and birds and the rippling water over rocks.
It's easy to notice change when you're in awareness of your surroundings every day.
Yesterday this leaf caught my attention. Laying beautifully on the trail that leads from the Upper Green River take-out up to the parking lot above.
First signs of Fall have begun to arrive here in the mountains. The forest is becoming quiet...leaves are beginning to fall...the air smells differently.
I don't seem to fare as easily with change as Nature does. I'm allow and go with the flow...but sometimes I'd like things to stay the same for a while. And flows much like the river. Always moving and changing and flowing down stream.
Yet at the same time I know change is good. Keeps us from growing stale or bored. Rest and reset is necessary.
Nothing here on Earth remains the same for long. There's a reason for cycles.
And today I'll lean toward embracing the middle space where the end of one thing and the beginning of another dwells.
And cheers to Nature for being such a master teacher of how to better human!

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