It's happened!!! Our chickens are totally legit now!
I opened up the May/June issue of Chicken Magazine today to find our photo published!!
Hokey Toe is a STAR!! (she's the brown hen on the right and the only hen still living from when this photo was taken. The three barred rocks at the top we gave away because they were mean bullies, the black hen in the center disappeared one day [we so miss her...the only hen we've had that hatched multiple groups of chicks], hokey toe is on the right...note she has short toes because just after we got her from a neighboring farm she had frostbite on her toes and Amelia is in the front...who unfortunately also disappeared one day)
THANK YOU Chicken Magazine!
Although the image of our girls wasn't selected as the winner to receive one of those super COOL nite-guard devices...still fabulous to see our birds published nonetheless!
I probably should write the nite-guard company and explain to them that only one of the six birds shown in this photo is still living...therefore...we NEED your device.
Anyhow, what FUN to enter and be one of this months' 7 finalists!
Next up....to enter the "rooster of the year" and "hen of the year" photo contest!
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