I’ve been studying the Law of Attraction for many years. And the study of this led me to discovering the 12 Universal Laws of the Universe.
Here’s a quick list in case you haven’t come across these Universal Laws before:
1. The Law of Divine Oneness
2. The Law of Vibration
3. The Law of Correspondence
4. The Law of Attraction
5. The Law of Inspired Action
6. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
7. The Law of Cause and Effect
8. The Law of Compensation
9. The Law of Relativity
10. The Law of Polarity
11. The Law of Rhythm
12. The Law of Gender
So upon discovery of these Universal Laws and after reading through each one of them, (click here if you’d like to know more about each of these Universal Laws...a word of caution...reading these will change you) I quickly realized this was a worthy “master’s level class” to delve into. I decided I would go through each one of these and study them until I understood how each of these laws worked. Yes, yes...I know...I realize this was an act of choosing to step towards the library hall of some of the greatest scrolls of elderly wisdom...call it my adventurous spirit’s hunger to understand and expand. Meanwhile...
I got through the Law of Divine Oneness pretty quick...fairly easy concept to wrap my mind and heart around. A splash more difficult to apply this knowing in day-to-day life though. Humbling to really understand we are all linked together as one through the divine...not just human to human but every living thing. It became much less easy for me to judge others from this knowing because now I have the knowledge that I am you and you are me. Woops, there went my high horse. Just ran plum off and left me standing there...humbled.
Moving on to the Law of Vibration...well, I’ve been studying this now for about 2 ½ years now. This Law is so robust...so deeply layered...gonna take me a minute to reach understanding with this one. But...BUT...here’s the thing I wanted to talk about today. Bare with me as I walk us towards this.
If you’ve studied Eckhart Tolle’s work or Greg Braden or Ram Dass or many of the others’ working towards uncovering some of the greatest “secrets” of humaning on earth...(and how exactly do we step out of the unconscious rat race and into living from a higher level of consciousnesses...remember red pill / blue pill in the Matrix?) you’ll be familiar with the concept that everything here on Earth is energy...is of vibration….is of frequency.
So what this then means is...I resonate at a particular frequency...a vibration. Yet I can raise or lower my vibration. For example, if I gaze at the beauty of a morning sunrise...I am essentially raising my vibration so long as I am present...and focusing on the beauty and resonating with the feeling from within watching this beautiful display of nature. Alternatively, I can lower my vibration by eating certain foods, watching a violent scene in a movie, consuming music with a heavy dark message...you get the point here (and you can probably feel your vibration swing between these descriptive feelings even as you read them).
Here’s the thing...all of this led me to the idea that...I am in complete control of my vibration based upon what I choose to consume. Which then raises an interesting question. Why would I choose to consume things that are guaranteed to lower my vibration? Why would I choose to consume things that actively keep me in the dumps if you will? Well, now...isn’t this an interesting question?
Enter...awareness. Once you know...you cannot un-know.
Now that this information has come into my awareness….I pay a lot more attention to my choices and questioning why I might be choosing them. Doesn’t mean I’m choosing much differently as of yet...but I’m in the “observe my own behavior” phase of this. There’s the “observe it while it’s happening phase.” Then the “see it coming...observe it before it happens phase.” Then the “change it before it happens because you saw it coming long before it arrived phase.”
Another form of energy and vibration entirely is Creation or Creating. I’m still pondering on the possibility that Creation may be the duality partner of Consumption. (Happy to hear your thoughts on this possibility...please post your comments on whether your life experiences reveal that creation might be the yin to consumptions yang).
When something is created...is does put itself out there to be consumed in many ways. Movie productions, music, art, books, even clothing or furniture, homes built, why even nature itself is consumed in many ways. So I don’t want to suggest here that either/or is right or wrong. I am more interested here in the fact that we have choice...and what drives our choices from one given moment to the next. This is all so fascinating!
As you may know, I started painting again. And let me just say...the feeling of “being in the zone”...which is setting yourself aside and simply creating something literally out of nothing (paint on a blank canvas)...the feeling that comes from this is how I imagine a drug would feel. You cannot...create something from within “the zone” and not come out on the other side feeling anything other than euphoria...a very clear energetic high. (This is the feeling that a higher vibration brings into our orbit.)
But creating requires something from me. Consumption does not.
Creation requires me to actively choose to “set the stage”, bring myself into an ever focused awareness on the present, listen to the divine, put myself over there on the side (be the zero) and just follow my instincts...which is kind of an attunement of sorts with the divine. Tuning in. And tuning in requires something from me. Tuning out does not. Consumption...where we just sit and drink and eat at the table of whatever frivel or tivel comes our way.
Consumption can be a way to “attempt to” fill the void we may be struggling with feeling inside ourselves. Creation is a way to tune into a sense of knowing of who we are.
You might be wondering if only artists create? Creation can be in the form of many things like cooking a favorite dish, decorating for a community gathering in a communal space or at your home, writing music or a poem or a story, singing your favorite song, dancing to your favorite beat, sewing, fixing a car, building a house, baking a cake, producing a video, and on and on and on this goes.
So this brings me to my final point here which is a question that came to me a few weeks ago while sorting through these ideas and working towards understanding them.
What is happening within me...when I reach towards “feeding on” a particular energy? Whether I choose to create something (essentially filling myself with a sense of the divine) or whether I scroll through Facebook for two hours (essentially filling myself with a plethora of various energies...political views, vocalized complaints, inspirational quotes, deeply felt needs, comedy, and on and on) or whether I put on a playlist (essentially filling myself with a mood...an array of energies created by the frequency of sound).
And from within this “feeding” am I recognizing that I am in complete control of my own vibrational outcome? Well now...you might see the implications here. I am responsible for how I feel in each and every moment...and what I do with that feeling is completely up to me.
This I can control.
Photo Credit: Image by Sergio
Cerrato - Italia from Pixabay